Positions and magnetic moments of all atoms in unit cell, with magnetic moment relations explicitly given:
Magnetic atoms:
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the magnetic atom Cu1:
Atom | x | y | z | Symmetry constraints on M | Mx | My | Mz |
1 | 0.50760 | 0.49240 | 0.25000 | mx,my,mz | 0.36000 | 0.36000 | 0.82600 |
2 | 0.50760 | 0.01520 | 0.25000 | -my,mx-my,mz | -0.36000 | 0.00000 | 0.82600 |
3 | 0.98480 | 0.49240 | 0.25000 | -mx+my,-mx,mz | 0.00000 | -0.36000 | 0.82600 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.84093 | 0.15907 | 0.58333 | mx,my,mz | 0.36000 | 0.36000 | 0.82600 |
5 | 0.84093 | 0.68187 | 0.58333 | -my,mx-my,mz | -0.36000 | 0.00000 | 0.82600 |
6 | 0.31813 | 0.15907 | 0.58333 | -mx+my,-mx,mz | 0.00000 | -0.36000 | 0.82600 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
7 | 0.17427 | 0.82573 | 0.91667 | mx,my,mz | 0.36000 | 0.36000 | 0.82600 |
8 | 0.17427 | 0.34853 | 0.91667 | -my,mx-my,mz | -0.36000 | 0.00000 | 0.82600 |
9 | 0.65147 | 0.82573 | 0.91667 | -mx+my,-mx,mz | 0.00000 | -0.36000 | 0.82600 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
10 | 0.50760 | 0.49240 | 0.75000 | -mx,-my,-mz | -0.36000 | -0.36000 | -0.82600 |
11 | 0.50760 | 0.01520 | 0.75000 | my,-mx+my,-mz | 0.36000 | 0.00000 | -0.82600 |
12 | 0.98480 | 0.49240 | 0.75000 | mx-my,mx,-mz | 0.00000 | 0.36000 | -0.82600 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
13 | 0.84093 | 0.15907 | 0.08333 | -mx,-my,-mz | -0.36000 | -0.36000 | -0.82600 |
14 | 0.84093 | 0.68187 | 0.08333 | my,-mx+my,-mz | 0.36000 | 0.00000 | -0.82600 |
15 | 0.31813 | 0.15907 | 0.08333 | mx-my,mx,-mz | 0.00000 | 0.36000 | -0.82600 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
16 | 0.17427 | 0.82573 | 0.41667 | -mx,-my,-mz | -0.36000 | -0.36000 | -0.82600 |
17 | 0.17427 | 0.34853 | 0.41667 | my,-mx+my,-mz | 0.36000 | 0.00000 | -0.82600 |
18 | 0.65147 | 0.82573 | 0.41667 | mx-my,mx,-mz | 0.00000 | 0.36000 | -0.82600 |
Non-magnetic atoms:
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom Pb1:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00439 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
2 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.33772 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
3 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.67106 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.50439 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
5 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.83772 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
6 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.17106 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom Se1:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.34581 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
2 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.67914 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
3 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.01248 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.84581 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
5 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.17914 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
6 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.51248 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom Se2:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.15454 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
2 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.48787 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
3 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.82121 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.65454 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
5 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.98787 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
6 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.32121 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom F1:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.42886 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
2 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.76219 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
3 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.09553 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.92886 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
5 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.26219 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
6 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.59553 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom O1:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.06949 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
2 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.40282 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
3 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.73616 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.56949 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
5 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.90282 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
6 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.23616 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom O2:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.46470 | 0.53530 | 0.19890 |
2 | 0.46470 | 0.92940 | 0.19890 |
3 | 0.07060 | 0.53530 | 0.19890 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.79803 | 0.20197 | 0.53223 |
5 | 0.79803 | 0.59607 | 0.53223 |
6 | 0.40393 | 0.20197 | 0.53223 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
7 | 0.13137 | 0.86863 | 0.86557 |
8 | 0.13137 | 0.26273 | 0.86557 |
9 | 0.73727 | 0.86863 | 0.86557 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
10 | 0.46470 | 0.53530 | 0.69890 |
11 | 0.46470 | 0.92940 | 0.69890 |
12 | 0.07060 | 0.53530 | 0.69890 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
13 | 0.79803 | 0.20197 | 0.03223 |
14 | 0.79803 | 0.59607 | 0.03223 |
15 | 0.40393 | 0.20197 | 0.03223 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
16 | 0.13137 | 0.86863 | 0.36557 |
17 | 0.13137 | 0.26273 | 0.36557 |
18 | 0.73727 | 0.86863 | 0.36557 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom O3:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.53430 | 0.46570 | 0.30185 |
2 | 0.53430 | 0.06860 | 0.30185 |
3 | 0.93140 | 0.46570 | 0.30185 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.86763 | 0.13237 | 0.63518 |
5 | 0.86763 | 0.73527 | 0.63518 |
6 | 0.26473 | 0.13237 | 0.63518 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
7 | 0.20097 | 0.79903 | 0.96852 |
8 | 0.20097 | 0.40193 | 0.96852 |
9 | 0.59807 | 0.79903 | 0.96852 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
10 | 0.53430 | 0.46570 | 0.80185 |
11 | 0.53430 | 0.06860 | 0.80185 |
12 | 0.93140 | 0.46570 | 0.80185 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
13 | 0.86763 | 0.13237 | 0.13518 |
14 | 0.86763 | 0.73527 | 0.13518 |
15 | 0.26473 | 0.13237 | 0.13518 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
16 | 0.20097 | 0.79903 | 0.46852 |
17 | 0.20097 | 0.40193 | 0.46852 |
18 | 0.59807 | 0.79903 | 0.46852 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom O4:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.10630 | 0.89370 | 0.25235 |
2 | 0.10630 | 0.21260 | 0.25235 |
3 | 0.78740 | 0.89370 | 0.25235 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.43963 | 0.56037 | 0.58568 |
5 | 0.43963 | 0.87927 | 0.58568 |
6 | 0.12073 | 0.56037 | 0.58568 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
7 | 0.77297 | 0.22703 | 0.91902 |
8 | 0.77297 | 0.54593 | 0.91902 |
9 | 0.45407 | 0.22703 | 0.91902 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
10 | 0.10630 | 0.89370 | 0.75235 |
11 | 0.10630 | 0.21260 | 0.75235 |
12 | 0.78740 | 0.89370 | 0.75235 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
13 | 0.43963 | 0.56037 | 0.08568 |
14 | 0.43963 | 0.87927 | 0.08568 |
15 | 0.12073 | 0.56037 | 0.08568 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
16 | 0.77297 | 0.22703 | 0.41902 |
17 | 0.77297 | 0.54593 | 0.41902 |
18 | 0.45407 | 0.22703 | 0.41902 |
Set of atoms in the unit cell related by symmetry with the atom N1:
Atom | x | y | z |
1 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.25275 |
(1/3,2/3,1/3) + set click here to show and hide |
2 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.58608 |
(2/3,1/3,2/3) + set click here to show and hide |
3 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.91942 |
(0,0,1/2)' + set click here to show and hide |
4 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.75275 |
(1/3,2/3,5/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
5 | 0.33333 | 0.66667 | 0.08608 |
(2/3,1/3,1/6)' + set click here to show and hide |
6 | 0.66667 | 0.33333 | 0.41942 |