MAGNDATA arrow Collection of Magnetic Structures

MAGNDATA: A Collection of magnetic structures with portable cif-type files

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EuCu2Sb2 (#0.1020)

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Magnetic structure with all atoms

Magnetic structure with only magnetic atoms

Reference: D. H. Ryan, J. M. Cadogan, V. K. Anand, D. C. Johnston, R. Flacau, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter (2015) 27 206002
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.75.104417
Atomic positions from: ICSD #291497

Parent space group (paramagnetic phase): P4/nmm (#129)
Propagation vector: k1 (0, 0, 0)

Transition Temperature: 5.09(2) K
Experiment Temperature: 0.4 K

Lattice parameters of the magnetic unit cell:
4.481(1) 4.481(1) 10.805(5) 90.00 90.00 90.00
Transformation from parent structure: (a,b,c;0,0,0)
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BNS Magnetic Space Group: Pm'mn (#59.407) (non-standard)
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Transformation to a standard setting: (b,-a,c;0,0,0)
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Systematic absences for this Magnetic Space Group via

Magnetic Point Group: m'mm (8.3.26)
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Symmetry-adapted form of material tensors via
Symmetry-adapted form of material tensors for domain-related equivalent structures via

Positions and magnetic moments of symmetry independent atoms:
From now on, magnetic atoms are in boldface and colored in red. Magnetic moments are expressed in units of μB

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LabelAtom typexyzMultiplicitySymmetry constraints on MMxMyMz|M|

    [Show all magnetic atoms in unit cell and their moment relations]

Active Irreps:                                           
Irrep decomposition via

labeldim. full irrepdim. small irrepdirectionactionnumber of modes
mGM5- 2 2 special primary 1

Comments (symmetry):

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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