General data - description of the data items
The obligatory data is marked with asterisk (*).
- Formulae(*)
- Common name (not obligatory)
- _chemical_name_common
- Mineral name (not obligatory)
- Number of independent atoms(*)
- the number of the atom sites. This information is not included as data item in
the CIF files. It is used to show you the
proper number of fields for the atom sites data
- Author(s)
- the name(s) of the authors have to be given with correspondence to the
requirements for
_publ_author_name CIF data item. The names of the authors have
to be separated with semicolon ";" or have to be given on different rows
- Title
(the subscripts and superscripts as well as the greek symbols have to be
given with accordance with the
CIF format)
- Journal
_journal_name_full, _journal_volume, _journal_year,
_journal_page_first, _journal_page_last. The first and the last
page have to be given separated by "-"
For contact
- Name(*)
- e-mail(*):
Note, the e-mail address you give will be used to inform you about changes made on the structure data,
so, please, give valid e-mail address
- Temperature(K)
- Measured with
- Maximal order of satellites(*)
- _diffrn_reflns_satellite_order_max
Maximum order of observed satellites.
- Refinement details
Overall phason correction
- Formula(*)
- _refine_ls_overall_phason_formula
The expression for the overall phason correction if used.
- Coefficient(*)
- _refine_ls_overall_phason_coeff
The phason coefficient used to calculate the overall phason correction.
- Independent determination of the average structure(*)
- If the average structure is determined independently the corresponding data
have to be given. To do so answer with Yes.
For the case of composites the following data is obligatory:
- Number of subsystems(*)
- _cell_subsystem_number
The number of subsystems used to define the structural model of
a composite structure.
- Modulation dimension(*)
- _cell_modulation_dimension
Number of additional reciprocal vectors needed to index the
whole diffraction pattern using integer Miller indices.
[Help on adding a new structure]