Bilbao Crystallographic Server XML output Space group representations

Representations of Space Groups

To obtain the representations for a given k-vector and given space group in XML form you have to give the command

GET /cgi-bin/cryst/xml/nph-get_doc?p=irreps&g=group&k=kvec


NOTE: By now the program uses the default choice for the group setting when there is more than one conventional setting.

For example if you want to obtain the representations for the k vector with label GM and coordinates (0,0,0) of the group 012( C 2/m) you have to do the following:

GET /cgi-bin/cryst/xml/nph-get_doc?p=irreps&g=12&k=0,0,0,GM,p

The output you will obtain has the following form:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE bcs_group PUBLIC "bcs_group" "">

<bcs_group><!-- Bilbao Crystallographic Server ( -->
<group number="12" symbol=" C 2/m"><!-- Irreps of the group 12 ( C 2/m) [unique axis b] -->
<kvec label="GM" basis="p">
<xyz>0, 0, 0</xyz>
<row>[ 1 0 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 1 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 0 1  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ -1 0 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 1 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 0 -1  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ -1 0 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 -1 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 0 -1  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 1 0 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 -1 0  ][ 0  ]</row>
<row>[ 0 0 1  ][ 0  ]</row>
<irreps num="4">
<repr name="GM1" dim="1">
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<repr name="GM2" dim="1">
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,180.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,180.0)  ]</row>
<repr name="GM3" dim="1">
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,180.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,180.0)  ]</row>
<repr name="GM4" dim="1">
<row>[ (1.000,  0.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,180.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000,180.0)  ]</row>
<row>[ (1.000, -0.0)  ]</row>
</irreps><!-- end of the list -->

For more information about the program and the data in the output, see the REPRES Users' manual.

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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