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Part::pkspec1: The expression Null cannot be used as a part specification. Part::partd: Part specification Null[[1]] is longer than depth of object. Part::partd: Part specification Null[[1]] is longer than depth of object. Part::partd: Part specification Null[[2]] is longer than depth of object. General::stop: Further output of Part::partd will be suppressed during this calculation. StringJoin::string: String expected at position 2 in +&<>Null[[1]]<>%<>Null[[2]]<>%. StringJoin::string: String expected at position 4 in +&<>Null[[1]]<>%<>Null[[2]]<>%. Take::normal: Nonatomic expression expected at position 1 in Take[Null, 3]. Take::normal: Nonatomic expression expected at position 1 in Take[3, 3]. StringJoin::string: String expected at position 2 in +&<>Null[[1]]<>%<>Null[[2]]<>%Take[Null,3],Take[3,3]. General::stop: Further output of StringJoin::string will be suppressed during this calculation. StringDrop::strse: String or list of strings expected at position 1 in StringDrop[+&<>Null[[1]]<>%<>Null[[2]]<>%Take[Null,3],Take[3,3]&, -1].

Space group of the paramagnetic phase: " (No. StringJoin[")
Check the type of Wyckoff positions of the magnetic atoms

Multiplicity Wyckoff
", StringDrop[StringJoin["+
", Null[[1]], " ", Null[[2]], " Take[Null,3],Take[3,3]
"], -1]]
P1", "P-1", "P2", "P21", "C2", "Pm", "Pc", "Cm", "Cc", "P2/m", "P21/m", "C2/m", "P2/c", "P21/c", "C2/c", "P222", "P2221", "P21212", "P212121", "C2221", "C222", "F222", "I222", "I212121", "Pmm2", "Pmc21", "Pcc2", "Pma2", "Pca21", "Pnc2", "Pmn21", "Pba2", "Pna21", "Pnn2", "Cmm2", "Cmc21", "Ccc2", "Amm2", "Aem2", "Ama2", "Aea2", "Fmm2", "Fdd2", "Imm2", "Iba2", "Ima2", "Pmmm", "Pnnn", "Pccm", "Pban", "Pmma", "Pnna", "Pmna", "Pcca", "Pbam", "Pccn", "Pbcm", "Pnnm", "Pmmn", "Pbcn", "Pbca", "Pnma", "Cmcm", "Cmce", "Cmmm", "Cccm", "Cmme", "Ccce", "Fmmm", "Fddd", "Immm", "Ibam", "Ibca", "Imma", "P4", "P41", "P42", "P43", "I4", "I41", "P-4", "I-4", "P4/m", "P42/m", "P4/n", "P42/n", "I4/m", "I41/a", "P422", "P4212", "P4122", "P41212", "P4222", "P42212", "P4322", "P43212", "I422", "I4122", "P4mm", "P4bm", "P42cm", "P42nm", "P4cc", "P4nc", "P42mc", "P42bc", "I4mm", "I4cm", "I41md", "I41cd", "P-42m", "P-42c", "P-421m", "P-421c", "P-4m2", "P-4c2", "P-4b2", "P-4n2", "I-4m2", "I-4c2", "I-42m", "I-42d", "P4/mmm", "P4/mcc", "P4/nbm", "P4/nnc", "P4/mbm", "P4/mnc", "P4/nmm", "P4/ncc", "P42/mmc", "P42/mcm", "P42/nbc", "P42/nnm", "P42/mbc", "P42/mnm", "P42/nmc", "P42/ncm", "I4/mmm", "I4/mcm", "I41/amd", "I41/acd", "P3", "P31", "P32", "R3", "P-3", "R-3", "P312", "P321", "P3112", "P3121", "P3212", "P3221", "R32", "P3m1", "P31m", "P3c1", "P31c", "R3m", "R3c", "P-31m", "P-31c", "P-3m1", "P-3c1", "R-3m", "R-3c", "P6", "P61", "P65", "P62", "P64", "P63", "P-6", "P6/m", "P63/m", "P622", "P6122", "P6522", "P6222", "P6422", "P6322", "P6mm", "P6cc", "P63cm", "P63mc", "P-6m2", "P-6c2", "P-62m", "P-62c", "P6/mmm", "P6/mcc", "P63/mcm", "P63/mmc", "P23", "F23", "I23", "P213", "I213", "Pm-3", "Pn-3", "Fm-3", "Fd-3", "Im-3", "Pa-3", "Ia-3", "P432", "P4232", "F432", "F4132", "I432", "P4332", "P4132", "I4132", "P-43m", "F-43m", "I-43m", "P-43n", "F-43c", "I-43d", "Pm-3m", "Pn-3n", "Pm-3n", "Pn-3m", "Fm-3m", "Fm-3c", "Fd-3m", "Fd-3c", "Im-3m", "Ia-3d"}[[Null]], "&", StringDrop[StringJoin["+&", Null[[1]], "%", Null[[2]], "%Take[Null,3],Take[3,3]&"], -1]]">

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
Licencia de Creative Commons
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