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a program for a pseudosymmetry search

E. Kroumova, J. M. Igartua, S. Ivantchev. M. I. Aroyo, J. M. Pérez-Mato
Departamentos de Física de la Materia Condensada y Física Aplicada II, Universidad del País Vasco, Apdo 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain

The problem

The existence of pseudosymmetry in a crystal structure is indicative of a slightly distorted structure of higher symmetry. If the distortion is small enough, it can be expected that the crystal acquires this more symmetric configuration at a higher temperature after a phase transition.

The aim of the program is to search for a pseudosymmetry in a given structure among the minimal supergroups of the structure's space group, thus giving the possibility to predict possible continuous phase transitions for that structure.

The method

Let the initial structure be S0 with symmetry given by the space group H. We will consider the case when the pseudosymmetry corresponds to a supergroup G of H.

The method(&) used for the search of pseudosymmetry can be divided in two main parts:

Minimal supergroups

First all of the minimal supergroups should be found. Each supergroup is characterized by the additional operations it contains with respect to the group H, e.g. the coset representatives in the decomposition of G with respect to H. The search for a pseudosymmetry is in fact a test for the existence of these additional operations in the initial structure.

All of the minimal supergroups, considering also the different supergroups of the same type, are obtained using the program MINSUP.


Once all of the minimal supergroups are calculated, the displacements necessary to obtain a structure with symmetry given by each one of this supergroups should be calculated. To do that first each one of the additional operations for the supergroups is applied to the initial structure giving as a result the transformed structure: St = g S0. Then comparing the positions of the atoms of the same type in the initial and the transformed structure/s are calculated the displacements necessary to make both structure coincident.

Special Cases

The general procedure described above should be completed with some additional steps in two special cases: Non polar pseudosymmetry for a polar structure When the initial structure S0 is a polar one, there is no fixed position for the origin. If the supergroup G for which the pseudosymmetry should be checked is a non polar group than the location of the additional symmetry element(s) corresponding to this group can be anyone with respect to the origin chosen for the description of the structure in the polar group, which means that there will be an infinite number of supergroups corresponding to the different possibilities to choose the origin in the initial structure. In more formal terms, the additional operation g=(W|w+p) has a continuous parameter p in the translational part. The value of this parameter should be optimized using some criteria, which will permit to select only one from the infinite number of supergroups for which the procedure for the search of pseudosymmetry described above will be applied.

In our method the value of this continuous parameter is chosen so that the maximal displacement necessary to obtain the high symmetry structure has the minimal possible value.

Monoclinic and triclinic symmetry(#) The procedure used for the calculation of all of the minimal supergroups of the same type is based on the affine normalizers of the space groups(*). The problem that arises with the monoclinic and triclinic space groups is that their affine normalizers are not space groups. In this case an additional considerations related with the symmetry of the lattice will be used to obtain the subgroup normalizer ``suitable'' for the given structure and this new normalizer will be used when the procedure for the search of pseudosymmetry is applied.

NOTE: By now is used the Euclidean normalizers for the monoclinic and the triclinic groups.

(&) For more information about the procedure, see the References.
(#) Not available by now.

The program

The program PSEUDO uses the method described above and permits to search for a pseudosymmetry among the minimal supergroups of the structure's space group. The data that the program needs is the space group, the cell constants and the atoms in the asymmetric unit of the structure, and the result contains all of the pseudosymmetries found among the minimal supergroups. You can use conventional or non conventional description of the structure, providing the matrix that relates the non conventional basis with the conventional one in the latter case. All of the result is given with respect to the basis of the initial group H.

Input Data

The input data is given in three steps: the first two of them are related with the structure data and the third is the choice of the supergroups.
  1. First the formulae, the space group number and the cell constants for the initial structure should be given. Also, it is obligatory to give the number of the atoms in the asymmetric unit.
  2. The next step is to give the data for the atoms in the asymmetric unit. For each one of these atoms you should give:
  3. When all of the structure data is given, the minimal supergroups for which the pseudosymmetry will be checked have to be chosen. To do that you a are provided with the table of the minimal supergroups. From this table you can chose one, more, or all of the supergroups.
    At this step also the value for the maximal "permitted" displacement of the atoms from their high symmetry positions should be given. This is an empirical value, and from the calculations we have made by now(*) using this program it seems that a reasonable value for this displacement is normally 0.75Å.
The choice of the minimal supergroups is the last step of the input. After that the program checks the structure for a pseudosymmetry for each one of the selected supergroups and gives the result from this search.

(*) We have used this program in the search for pseudosymmetry among the compounds with symmetry P212121, Pnma, Pba2 and Pmc21 (see the References).

Output data

The result from the search for pseudosymmetry is divided in three parts:
  1. The full data for the initial structure - space group, cell constants and the atoms in the unit cell, given in the conventional setting.
  2. The summary of the result from the search which contains the supergroups for which a pseudosymmetry has been found as well as the maximal, minimal and relative displacements for each one of these supergroups.
  3. Finally, a full report for the result is given which contains for each one of the supergroups for which a pseudosymmetry has been found the displacements of the atoms necessary to obtain the structure with symmetry given by the supergroup and also the unit cell of this high symmetry structure.
    All of the data is given with respect to the conventional basis of the space group of the initial structure.


1) J. M. Igartua, M. I. Aroyo, J. M. Pérez-Mato, Phys. Rev. B54 18 (1996) 12744-12752.
2) J. M. Igartua, M. I. Aroyo, E. Kroumova, J. M. Pérez-Mato, Acta Cryst. B55 (1999) 177-185. (1996) 12744-12752.


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