Bilbao Crystallographic Server arrow IDENTIFY MAGNETIC GROUP Help

IDENTIFY MAGNETIC GROUP: Identification of a Magnetic Space Group from a set of generators in an arbitrary setting.

IDENTIFY MAGNETIC GROUP: Identifies a Magnetic Space Group given a set of generators
IDENTIFY MAGNETIC GROUP identifies a Magnetic Space Group given a set of generators and shows the transformation matrix to a standard or reference (default) description of the Magnetic Space Group. The groups can given in the BNS or OG setting.

Tutorial of IDENTIFY MAGNETIC GROUP: download
Enter the generators of the Magnetic Space Group in the box below, given in any basis of the lattice, as in the example:
 When the symmetry operations are given in the BNS setting, the following translations are assumed:
 x + 1 , y , z ,+1
 x , y + 1 , z ,+1
 x , y , z + 1 ,+1
 When the symmetry operations are given in the OG setting, the following translations should be explicitly given:
 x + 1 , y , z ,+-1
 x , y + 1 , z ,+-1
 x , y , z + 1 ,+-1
BNS setting OG setting

Bilbao Crystallographic Server
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